
jeudi 7 janvier 2010

grossesse Fatigue:7 Conseils pour vous débarrasser de la grossesse Fatigue

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Les attaques de panique sont réelles et qu'ils ne représentent plus de 20% de toutes les visites à l'urgence. Si vous n'avez jamais eu un vous-même, il est difficile de décrire et de l'extérieur regardant dans elles sont difficiles à croire. Mais pour la personne qui a un, il n'est que trop réel.

C’était en 1980 lorsque la communauté médicale ont donné cet épisode le nom de "panique attaque". Les attaques de panique font partie de la famille d'anxiété et sont traités par la plupart des médecins avec les mêmes produits pharmaceutiques qu'ils utilisent contre l'anxiété.

Attaques de panique et d'anxiété en général qu'il s'agit d'une bouillante sur les effets. Le début d'une attaque commence généralement avec un sentiment de malaise. Vous ne la sens pas normal et que vous devenez sensible à votre environnement. Votre sens de l'odorat, goût, toucher, le son et la vue est renforcé en tant que votre cœur se met à la course. Votre attaque est à venir sur maintenant, vous le sentez et vous ne pouvez rien y faire. Comme l'attaque commence, vous avez probablement une ou plusieurs des sensations suivantes:

• Un sentiment de mort imminente
• Transpiration
• essoufflement
• Sensation d'oppression dans la gorge
• Hyperventilation
• Étourdissements
• Bouffées de chaleur
• Nausées
• Maux de tête
• Douleur thoracique
• Crampes abdominales

À la fin de votre attaque, vous êtes éliminé. Vous vous sentez la fatigue et épuisé, mais surtout vous êtes inquiet pour passer par un autre à tout moment. Votre comportement à la maison commence à changer ainsi que le travail ou avec votre famille. Vous pensez probablement que tu deviens fou ou d'avoir une crise cardiaque.

Les traitements pour les paniques attaque varient d'un médecin à médecin. Toutefois, la plupart des médicaments utilisés agissent sur le système nerveux central pour réduire l'anxiété et les symptômes connexes.

Les anxiolytiques, les antidépresseurs et la thérapie comportementale et cognitive (travail avec un thérapeute) ont été utilisés avec succès pour traiter les troubles de panique. Les classes de médicaments suivantes ont été utiles:

Traitement du comportement semble avoir des avantages durables.
L'exercice régulier, un sommeil suffisant, et des repas réguliers pourraient aider à réduire la fréquence des attaques. Réduire ou éviter l'utilisation de stimulants de la caféine et autres.

Certains médecins prescrivent mai thérapie cognitivo-comportementale. Habituellement, il s'agit pour ces patients qui ont eu une sorte de traumatisme dans leur vie qui pourraient être le déclenchement des attaques. Ce traitement peut également inclure l'imagerie mentale et technique de relaxation. Le traitement comportemental semble avoir des résultats durables.

La génétique pourrait jouer un rôle dans le déclenchement des attaques de panique, mais la cause exacte est inconnue. Il est connu que les troubles de panique sont deux fois plus fréquentes chez les femmes que chez les hommes. Le début des symptômes commencent généralement après l'âge de 25 ans présentant des symptômes étant très rare chez les enfants.

Une batterie complète de test est effectuée essentiellement à écarter toute maladie potentielle autres. Si vous avez eu une attaque ou se sont rapprochés pour être sûr et consulter votre médecin dès que possible. Des traitements sont disponibles et avec le diagnostic approprié, vous devriez être en mesure d'obtenir votre vie Retour à la normale.

Randy Beckett
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jeudi 15 octobre 2009

Natural Supplements:

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A health treatment that is not classified as standard Western medical practice is referred to as "alternative" or "complementary." Alternative treatments include nutritional supplements, herbal remedies, and acupuncture. Here we are going to discuss natural supplements and herbal remedies to treat erectile dysfunction.

Natural Supplements:

L- arginine: L-arginine is an amino acid that aids in dilation of blood vessels by relaxing smooth vessels. This, in the penis, leads to erection. It can, though cause gastrointestinal and cardiovascular problems along with bleeding disorders and electrolyte imbalance.

Propionyl-Lcarnitine: Propionyl-L-carnitine were found to enhance the effectiveness of sildenafil, and result in improved erectile function, sexual intercourse satisfaction, orgasm, and general sexual well-being compared to Viagra alone.

Zinc: Continued and significant depletion of the mineral zinc, associated with long-term use of diuretics, diabetes, digestive disorders, and certain kidney and liver diseases, has been shown to cause erectile dysfunction.

DHEA: DHEA is a supplement related to testosterone. Studies show inconclusive results in its treatment for erectile dysfunction. DHEA may interact precariously with other medications.

Herbal Remedies:Although herbal remedies are believed to be very effective, reliable and popular, contrary to popular belief, they are not entirely safe and should be taken only under medical supervision. Some of the more popular herbal medications used are:

Gingko: The herb ginkgo is used for treatment of erectile dysfunction, particularly in people who experience sexual dysfunction as a side effect of antidepressant drugs. It is thought to relax smooth muscle and enhance blood flow in the penis. Although the risks for gingko are found to be low, there is an increased risk for bleeding at high doses and interaction with vitamin E, anti-clotting medications, aspirin, or other NSAIDs.

Gamma-Butyrolactone (GBL): GBL is found in products marketed for enhancing sexual function. But in some cases, this substance can convert to a chemical that can cause toxic and life-threatening effects, including seizures and even coma.

L- arginine: L-arginine is an amino acid that aids in dilation of blood vessels by relaxing smooth vessels. This, in the penis, leads to erection. It can, though cause gastrointestinal and cardiovascular problems along with bleeding disorders and electrolyte imbalance

Ashwagandha: The herb ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is sometimes called Indian Ginseng because of its similar effects on the body. It is believed to increase energy, stamina, and sexual function in males. However, no studies have examined whether it is effective for erectile dysfunction in humans.

Yohimbe: It is a compound that has been found to stimulate blood flow to the penis, increase libido, and decrease the period between ejaculations. It is not recommended though.

Acupuncture: Acupuncture has helped some men with ED. It is not recommended as it has serious systemic and metabolic side effects.

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mercredi 2 septembre 2009

dans quelque semain nous allons

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Do you want to make money blogging? If you do - you’re not alone. More and more bloggers are finding that blogging is a profitable medium. Whether it be to earn a few extra dollars a week to feed their coffee habit, or making enough money to stop them having to get a part time job to get through college, or whether they’ve got it to a point where they are able to make a full time living from their blogging - there are tens of thousands of bloggers making money from blogging.

In this page I want to share some information for beginners on making money from their blogs.

I will start by sharing my own top Money Making Methods (updated regularly) but below that point you to some great resources and teaching on how to increase your income from blogging.
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lundi 15 juin 2009

Thai Food For Health

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Natural health is about self discipline and responsibility for a better life. And with nutritional supplements, you will be able to achieve this level of healthy comfortable living .

It just takes that first step. A Thai Food balanced diet is a Topic I really enjoy telling people about fighting diet problems, weight control, heath in general, even allergy conditions like me. I will touch on this latter.

There are many products available in the field of natural health . Pick up a book, surf online, educate yourself about the right foods for your health. I did, and cut my stress level by 50%; reduced my blood pressure down to 120/70, when under stress it was 150/95.

Not bad for middle age. Natural health is about finding ways to be healthy. With natural health nutrition, like say, Thai Food , you get the extra benefit of giving your body all the best there is from nature, which is a great feeling, and reward when you experience the difference, and ask yourself, how come I did not do this along time ago. What an energy booster indeed.

You will also find good nutrition leads to good health. I would get the typical once a year cold, like most people. Now I might get a cold, over 2 year periods . That should say something for good healthy nutrition. I do not believe there is a magic pill or fix all solution, but this certainly made a great change for me, and established a constant platform for my overall health.

You will experience the new you and will be proud of the achievements you will have from taking care of yourself. Now, no promises, but my weight is stable at 180lbs, exactly the same as when I was 18 years, when body building. I was usually around 200lbs., under hi stress working conditions. I am not outlining a diet plan, in fact the things I am mentioning worked for me regarding health overall.

The drop in weight actually happened as a result of better eating habits, an adjustment to things that helped, like the natural supplements, and Thai food in general, and reduction in obvious things that do not help. I knew with a stressful job, lots of traveling, something had to be adjusted, or shifted a bit. I even cut coffee down to 2 cups a day, I did not need 6, come on that is crazy, what was I thinking ?

So one noticeable thing I really enjoy, is the boost in energy for my age. It did take more than that, and I am going to give you a super important tip. Like anything, take small steps, and you will meet your goals. So here is the super tip that worked for me; simply get off the Dairy Products.

I have traveled to so many countries; with all types of foods, and certainly the western foods are spreading everywhere. So from experience alone, think about my tips to you.

Tip number two, not only do I use natural supplements for many reasons, here is a tip that really jump started me : go try Thai food, at a local restaurant.

This is an experience that will jump start your health in general. The reason I say Thai food, is simply there are so many types, you will find something you like, that is why Thai restaurants are so popular everywhere, world wide. And they have unique spices, and sauces that seem to please many people, offering new flavors, less saturated fats.

I did move to Thailand, so an expert in the foods section, and I have tried them all country wide. Believe me, you may have heard, how spicy Thai Food is, but actually there are in fact so many things to choose from, you will find something healthy, natural, and satisfying in all aspects.

That was tip no two, go out and try it, you will be surprised. Typically you will not find cheese in Asian dishes, however you may find coconut, or sweet milk, and similar things to sort out when you order food.

A third , but important tip, something I do every morning, and what an energy booster, I drink 12 oz. of grape juice per day. It beats coffee, but I still like my morning cup, but the juice really gives me a morning boost in my diet. Ok, that is tip no. three, simply try different things that work for you, that you enjoy, and watch out for the pizzas. Cutback on cheese, milk, ice cream. Select your food in moderate quantities.

I hope you found this as valuable information, based on my own personal experiences. Being middle age, time and health become more sensitive in life, and if you are truly out to improve you health, just take a few tips for starters. A slight shift in your nutrition can really improve your overall health. Get started today, its never to late!

Reed Langdon
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How to improve sexual health

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Do you know the most important factor in good sexual health? It's your mind. Studies involving men and women have shown that it is the mind that determines sexual performance and drive more than anything else. Men and women were given a placebo and told that it would increase their libido and performance; the majority stated that they saw a significant increase in those areas which show us that it is the mind more than a pill that is responsible for the change.

There are also a number of foods that are said to directly affect sexual performance due to their aphrodisiac influence. These foods include ginseng, bananas, figs, asparagus, eels, oysters, and rhino horn which supposedly increases sexual appetite.

Male Sexual Health

When looking at male sexual health it is not just a question of taking a few supplements and sex drive recovers.

You must see male sexual health in terms of overall body health, this means not just taking supplements, but eating foods to reduce stress first,

Let’s take foods first:

These foods will increase dopamine a chemical in the brain that will increase sex drive so eat them!

They are: Salmon, cottage cheese, steak and low fat yogurt

Salmon (and other oily fish such as mackerel and herring) are packed with Omega 3, which increases blood flow around the body and to the genitals and is vital for fighting impotence.

Nitric oxide insufficiency can stop the penis from becoming erect. A recent study showed an 80 percent improvement in the erectile function of men who took 2.8 grams of argentine a day for two weeks.

Gingko Bilbao

It enhances blood flow and functions as an anti-oxidant in the body and is renowned as a great all round supplement which has been known for centuries to increase sexual desire.


Korean Ginseng has been used in China as a sexual balancer and revitalizing tonic for thousands of years.

It is stimulating and restorative and helps improve physical and mental energy, stamina, strength and alertness as an adaptogen, it also helps you to combat physical, emotional stress and fatigue.

Improve your Sexual Health

Have you been having problems about your sex life and could not even begin to understand why your partner is no longer satisfied with you? If you are having troubles with your sex life and are very unhappy about it, then do not just mop around think that your whole life is going down the drain. Do something about it.

You don’t really have to feel self conscious about it. There are so many people all over the country who share the same problems as you and the doctor you are talking to may have encountered the same types of problems time and again that your case is really not some kind of a novelty. Discussing your sexual health problems with your doctor will help you understand what is going on in your body.

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Smoking cessation: New ways to quit.

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By now, even the tobacco companies agree: smoking is bad for your health * very bad, in fact. Cigarettes are the most hazardous, but cigars, pipes, and smokeless tobacco also contribute to tobacco's terrible toll. And secondhand smoke is an important cause of death and disability in people who never light up.

We are making progress. Over 45 million Americans have quit, and many communities prohibit smoking in public places. But more than 20% of adults still smoke, and the habit remains more prevalent in men than women. Tragically, thousands of teenagers take up smoking every day.

We can do better. Fortunately, there are more ways to kick the habit than ever before.

The hazards of smoking

Tobacco is responsible for one of every five deaths in the U.*S. That adds up to over 435,000 lives lost each year, and over 8.5 million Americans suffer from chronic illnesses caused by smoking. All in all, the average nonsmoker lives about 14 years longer than the average smoker. And the worldwide burden is truly staggering. According to the American Cancer Society, smoking will kill about 650 million of the world's 1.3 billion smokers alive today.

Smoking is a major cause of cardiovascular disease, including heart attacks, strokes, and peripheral artery disease. About 20% of all cardiac deaths are caused by smoking.

Between 80% and 90% of all patients with emphysema owe their lung disease to smoking. Chronic bronchitis and pneumonia are among the other lung diseases that are increased in smokers.

And there's more. Smoking contributes to many other health problems, ranging from cataracts, sinusitis, and dental disorders to aging skin, heartburn, diabetes, osteoporosis, and two issues of special concern to men, bladder cancer and erectile dysfunction.

The more you smoke, the higher your risks * but even a few cigarettes a day will harm your health. "Light" and "low-tar" cigarettes are no safer than high-test brands. The only truly safe dose of tobacco is zero.

Secondhand smoke and community controls

More than 126 million nonsmoking Americans are exposed to secondhand smoke. Each year, about 3,000 of them die from lung cancer and about 35,000 to 60,000 die from heart disease caused by exposure to the more than 4,000 chemicals in secondhand smoke. And secondhand smoke also causes 150,000 to 300,000 respiratory infections in infants...

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All About Women And Weight Training

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All About Women And Weight Training

A terrible incorrect myth that unfortunately a lot of women believe is that weight training (working out with weights) will make them look like a man or they’ll turn out to be really bulky. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Casual strength training, lifting light weights as part of a balanced routine and hitting the gym for an hour a day will not lead you to looking like a female Hulk.

What will result, however, is a more toned, firmer, and "smaller" looking body.

Weight training for women or strength training as it is sometimes called is a program that helps women develop a healthier heart with tougher connective tissue. Not only does it help control weight and make you feel and look trimmer, lifting weights helps protect you against osteoporosis – a common ailment that affects women after menopause. Additionally, lifting weights has major psychological benefits as it provides you with the confidence to take matters upon yourself. The impact can be large or small, as being stronger can make you have an easier time while cleaning and moving furniture around the house, or it can it have a much more serious impact on your life, like making you more able to fight off an attacker.

Some weight training studies have demonstrated that both men and women have a similar increase in strength when involved in resistance training. However, women naturally start off at a lower scale in terms of beginning strength. The reasoning for this is both physiological and hormonal. By nature, men are normally taller and stronger on average than women, thus men are able to generate more force. In addition, men are also able to produce more testosterone than women. This is relevant because testosterone has an impact on the ability to increase muscle size.


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