
lundi 15 juin 2009

All About Women And Weight Training


All About Women And Weight Training

A terrible incorrect myth that unfortunately a lot of women believe is that weight training (working out with weights) will make them look like a man or they’ll turn out to be really bulky. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Casual strength training, lifting light weights as part of a balanced routine and hitting the gym for an hour a day will not lead you to looking like a female Hulk.

What will result, however, is a more toned, firmer, and "smaller" looking body.

Weight training for women or strength training as it is sometimes called is a program that helps women develop a healthier heart with tougher connective tissue. Not only does it help control weight and make you feel and look trimmer, lifting weights helps protect you against osteoporosis – a common ailment that affects women after menopause. Additionally, lifting weights has major psychological benefits as it provides you with the confidence to take matters upon yourself. The impact can be large or small, as being stronger can make you have an easier time while cleaning and moving furniture around the house, or it can it have a much more serious impact on your life, like making you more able to fight off an attacker.

Some weight training studies have demonstrated that both men and women have a similar increase in strength when involved in resistance training. However, women naturally start off at a lower scale in terms of beginning strength. The reasoning for this is both physiological and hormonal. By nature, men are normally taller and stronger on average than women, thus men are able to generate more force. In addition, men are also able to produce more testosterone than women. This is relevant because testosterone has an impact on the ability to increase muscle size.



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